
Sunday, January 5, 2014

San Diego, breakable glass, and over dramatic parents

  Hello Kenna, Kristi, and people of the internet! I apologize I'm advance for this crazy long post, but a lot has been happening the past couple days.
  Yes my friends, that is a pregnant and sleepy koala bear. One of the many that I happened to see this weekend. Along with adorable Koalas, I got to experience the joy of seeing a baby giraffe and a baby oragatan! Talk about a cuteness overload. The San Diego Zoo was pretty dang amazing. The animals actually roamed and some came up to the glass, including this tiger who would not stop for a good photo. 
Sorry my finger is in the way. It is quite a nice finger. (: The pandas were pretty amazing, although I had a flashback to Disney when we had to wait 45 minutes to see them. The polar bears were fun, the giraffes adorable, the elephants were pretty dang cool. It's amazing how a creature can be so big. I saw the most beautiful jaguar, an amazing feat of nature.
   As it happens, tragedy struck just before we entered this magical kingdom of nature. My father, as some of you may know, is a micro-brew fanatic. Meaning he likes beer, a lot. He had purchased a "growler" ( a big glass jug of beer) the day before, and had placed it haphazardly in the back of our car. Just as we were exiting the vehicle, a glorious crack sounded from the growler. We opened the door, and a great waterfall of beer flowed from bowels of our car. It was pretty spectacular. Not.
   Anyways, a few statuses changed, I went swimming in flipping January, and sat in the car in only a way that a cheerleader could. Can I just say, parents are way over dramatic when it comes to relationships. Get over yourselves. And boys think women are confusing?? Holy crap they should take a look at themselves. That is a subject for another time. 
Tidy ho my good friends! I will talk to you I'm the very near future, that happens to be next Sunday.

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